Latest Update: The book has been uploaded! It will be available by October 20, 2023!

They changed the UI on me AGAIN!

Bruce Van Horn

The first major gotcha while writing this book was the appearance an option for "New UI" around about the time I had just finished Chatper 5. So I re-did all the screen caps, and re-wrote the parts of Chapter 2 where I introduced the new UI.

The three weeks before my final upload date, THEY DID IT AGAIN! Learn about these changes that affect the book.

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What happened to The Master who appeared in Chapter 1?

Bruce Van Horn
Behind the Scenes

Early in Chapter 1, I presented a story about a character who was going to play a role throughout the book. Things didn't go as planned for The Master.

Early in my career, back before The Internet, I was a multimedia developer which meant I could write code, edit sound and video, and create animation. Those are fairly pedestrian skills today, but back then they were un-heard of. My favorite non-coding activity was 3D modeling and rendering...

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How to set up a Python Development Environment in Windows 11

Bruce Van Horn

If you're one of the 48% that use Windows, you'll have to start from scratch.

The good news is, installing Python is pretty easy, unless you want to do it PROPERLY. You could just download the installer and mash the NEXT button until all the dialogs close, but sooner or later, the limitations of this approach will make themselves known.

Let me show you the right way...

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Non rem rerum nam cum quo minus. Dolor distinctio deleniti explicabo eius exercitationem.

Maria Doe

Aspernatur rerum perferendis et sint. Voluptates cupiditate voluptas atque quae. Rem veritatis rerum enim et autem. Saepe atque cum eligendi eaque iste omnis a qui.

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Accusamus quaerat aliquam qui debitis facilis consequatur

John Parker

In itaque assumenda aliquam voluptatem qui temporibus iusto nisi quia. Autem vitae quas aperiam nesciunt mollitia tempora odio omnis. Ipsa odit sit ut amet necessitatibus. Quo ullam ut corrupti autem consequuntur totam dolorem.

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Distinctio provident quibusdam numquam aperiam aut

Julia White

Expedita et temporibus eligendi enim molestiae est architecto praesentium dolores. Illo laboriosam officiis quis. Labore officia quia sit voluptatem nisi est dignissimos totam. Et voluptate et consectetur voluptatem id dolor magni impedit. Omnis dolores sit.

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